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Detailed Development Plans (DDP)
DNArch Studio offers full administration of the detailed development plans, as well as preparation of all necessary projects and schemes. All you need to do is provide us with the necessary package of documents to start the procedure.
The detailed development plan (DDP) is created as an application of the general urban plan. In case there is no general development plan for the settlement, a detailed development plan is created.
The detailed development plans determine in final form the forecasts and establish the necessary measures for architectural and town-planning construction, reconstruction and development of the settlement and the related zone of influence. A request for elaboration or change of a valid detailed development plan is submitted to the chairman of the municipal council of the given municipality by the property owner or authorized person / company. This is a long and complicated procedure due to the fact that the projects are coordinated with many state and municipal authorities, in which the relative deadlines are awaited.
When is it done?
- In case of settlement of land property (not agricultural) for construction purposes; (Example: old farmyards, properties with changed use before 2005, which do not have electricity and water routes.)
- Changing the way of permanent use of agricultural land
- In case of changes in the existing cadastral plan due to corrections regarding the lack of access to a given property, distinction between the lines of the regulation plan and property boundaries on the cadastral map.
- In case of change of the permanent use of properties with changed purpose
- In case of division of regulated properties
Necessary documents
- Document for ownership
- Sketch of the property with coordinates, accompanied by overview sketches in scale 1: 5000, 1:10 000, registration of the neighboring properties (issued by the land commission or by the service of geodesy and cadastre)
- Certificate for heirs in case of inheritance properties;
- Written consent from the owners of the neighboring regulated land properties, in the cases when a related additional or basic construction is required
- Preliminary contract for transfer of ownership with notarized signatures / art. 17 para 2 items 2 and 3 of the Spatial Development Act /
- Technical plan for the development of a detailed urban plan, which describes the investment intentions of the owner.
After the preparation of the drafts for the detailed urban plan, an application is submitted to the mayor of the municipality for processing and approval by the Expert Council for Spatial Planning.
The projects for amendments or elaboration of the Detailed development Plans are made by designers / architects and engineers, who are people with full design qualification, acquired according to the Law for the chambers of architects and engineers in the investment design. Projects are being developed in the Detailed development plans phase in parts:
- Architecture-Urban Planning
- Electrotechnical
- Water supply and sanitation
- Road
- Geodetic survey
- Tracing plan
- State taxes
Fees paid to government agencies are different for each service.
Fees for preparation of Detailed development plans depend on the type of procedure. They are the highest for changing agricultural land, due to the fact that the projects are coordinated with the largest number of instances. They reach 1200-1500 BGN depending on the number of properties that are included in the procedure. To this amount you must add the final state fee to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, which is calculated according to a formula described in the Ordinance for determining fees for change of agricultural land.
Take advantage of our free Calculator for calculating the fee for changing the purpose of agricultural land to the MAF.